Health Wonk Review for December 12, 2018
‘Tis the season of giving – and Peggy Salvatore has come bearing gifts (nine of them in the form of blog posts, to be exact) as she hosts the latest edition of Health Wonk Review. Special thanks to Peggy for including our latest blog post – from Andrew Sprung.
Visions of sugarplums dancing in our heads? Not hardly – when we can feast our imaginations on this week’s round-up. The collection of nine posts includes both heartwarming news and potentially Grinchy news about Affordable Care Act subsidies, and some murmurings of “coal for Capitalism’s stocking.” (Yes, it’s cryptic, I know, but you know who else is cryptic? Santa Claus.)
Anyway, I’m really just suggesting that you take a hot cocoa break, cozy up by the fire and drink in this week’s edition over at HealthSystemEd.
Happy Holidays!
from Expert analysis of the latest health reform issues –
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