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Leading the Way with WELCOA

Today, building successful employee wellness programs and creating a culture of health at the workplace is rarely discussed without also mentioning the importance of leadership support in doing so.

In fact, the Wellness Council of America (WELCOA), one of America’s most trusted resources for workplace wellness [1], places “Committed and Aligned Leadership” as their first of seven benchmarks [2]. These seven benchmarks are considered the standards that are inherent in companies that have built results-oriented workplace wellness programs. Committed and Aligned Leadership is considered by WELCOA to be an important first step toward creating successful worksite wellness initiatives.[1]

The impact leaders can have on their company’s wellness efforts is vast: Leaders can act as models or champions for the effort, achieve the necessary buy-in across the organization, assign dedicated staff and committee members to manage the program, foster a supportive work environment and commit the resources necessary to carry out the program. WELCOA outlines a “profile of a supportive leader,” into four key areas: communication, resource allocation, delegation, and behavior modeling.[3] Information on how to create success in these four areas can be found among WELCOA’s many online resources for those charged with developing and implementing employee wellness programs.

Let’s take a look at a few of WELCOA’s free resources related to leadership support:

  1. Profile Of A Supportive Leader For Employee Wellness

Discover the four main characteristics of a supportive leader for successful workplace wellness initiatives.

  1. Logic Model For Employee Wellness Programs

A planning model comprised of seven iterative steps (including aligned and committed leadership as the first step) that helps ensure you will have a meaningful and successful wellness initiative designed to achieve your goals.

  1. Roadmap For Building Workplace Wellness Programs

A quick guide that outlines a framework to take the knowledge you already have and engage your employees, managers, senior-level support and all other stakeholders to design your own highly personalized approach and become more strategic about supporting employee wellness.

  1. The Seven Benchmarks For Workplace Wellness Programs

A free webinar that outlines each of the seven benchmarks, providing detail on their first benchmark: Committed and Aligned Leadership.

  1. Leading The Way To A Healthier Organization

A certification course that shows leaders how to improve communication, focus strength and build trust in your organization.

In addition to the free resources listed above, WELCOA provides exclusive member-only resources related to leadership support and each of their other benchmarks.

Did you know Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) partners with WELCOA to bring you a structured approach to workplace wellness – and recognition for your hard work?  Our partnership enables you to systematically work toward improving the health and well-being of your most valuable asset–your employees–while giving you recognition for your wellness efforts. Want to learn more? Contact your account team to learn how you can get started with WELCOA and improving the health of your organization.

Sources: [1], [2], [3]


The post Leading the Way with WELCOA appeared first on Point of Blue.

from Point of Blue

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