How to Choose an Association Healthcare Partner
Association members look for an Association to be on the cutting edge of their industry, offering the most value for their investment. Members find value in items that are immediately actionable, customizable and have
ongoing value. In finding an Association Partner be sure these three values are at the core of every benefit.
Analysis from Avalere, an innovation company, reveals an estimated 3.2 million people are projected to move their coverage into AHP’s by 2022. With so many people looking for healthcare options, Associations are taking action
now to be in the forefront of this trend. Associations need a healthcare partner that will not only support their members, but also the Association.
Here are a few benefits to ensure an optimal Association Partner:
1. Branding:
White label branding for an Association increases member trust, while providing a seamless marketing approach to members. Look for a Partner that will offer a healthcare marketplace with your branding, this
builds a custom experience for members, allowing for a simple and immediately actionable service.
2. Partnership advantages:
A healthcare Partner must facilitate the growth and retention of your members, offer hands-free enrollment, and
meet the Articles of Association for compliance. These advantages, provided by your Association Partner, will create ongoing value for members as they utilize the benefits, saving time and money.
3. Plan Providers:
An Association partner should provide relationships that offer coverage both regionally and nationally to allow customized benefits for all members.
4. Service/ Payment:
A Partner that provides a scalable marketplace to best service the Association with hands-free enrollment and concierge service is essential. Multiple communication options (chat, email, phone, etc.) allow members variety and ease of service with the Partner, thus creating value by ensuring all requests are immediately answered with no
service requirements by the Association.
5. Add-ons:
Partners must provide healthcare coverage options, and non-insurance benefits to stand out. These add-on benefits allow an Association to customize to their members’ needs and provide an opportunity to promote
need and assurance to members.
As an Association choosing your Healthcare Partner is an important step, ensure your Partner stands out and is able to provide value to the Association and its members through branding, partnership advantages, carriers, services and payment options, and add-on benefits. Keeps an eye out as we get ready to release our first official podcast, Health Matters, next week!
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