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Whether you are the Employer, Manager, or Employee, how often do you bring home the tensions of the office or worksite? Perhaps you even look forward to that drive home to unwind. You walk in the door, the kids are excited to see you, and all you want to do is go into a quiet room and lock the door.

A person can also experience excessive pressure and demands outside work just as much as they can at work. Stressors at home can affect those at work and vice versa. It is difficult to control outside causes of stress, though taking a holistic approach to employee well-being can help manage work-related stress effectively, recognizing the importance and interaction of work and home problems.

A recent survey by Northwestern National Life revealed that about 40% of workers reported that their jobs were extremely stressful. In another survey by Yale University, 29% of workers reported feeling extreme stress because of their jobs.

Tension and conflict can be caused by a multitude of reasons (you probably know many of them personally). But, high levels of stress in the workplace can lead to poor decision-making, and an increase in mistakes, which in turn may lead to customer or client complaints. This dog-chasing-its-tail is likely to produce even more stress, increased sickness, and absence, all resulting in additional costs to the company.

Symptoms of stress include:

  • Fatigue.
    • Muscular tension.
    • Headaches.
    • Heart palpitations.
    • Sleeping difficulties
    • Gastrointestinal upsets
    • Dermatological disorders.

According to one of the industry’s leading sources regarding the status of well-being and wellness in the workplace, “Many workers report experiencing work-related stress at their jobs and this compromises their performance and health. Having a job in many ways improves an individual’s health and overall attitude toward life.”

Is Counseling Really Confidential?

Many workers are finding themselves with questions about how these programs work and what protections, if any, they have when they participate. At times, Confidential Counseling involves seeking help with issues that could potentially impact one’s employment (drug and alcohol addiction, anger management, etc.), so it’s understandable that employees want confirmation that they are protected before utilizing an assistance program.

Client Confidentiality is the requirement that therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and most other mental health professionals protect their client’s privacy by not revealing the contents of therapy. Client Confidentiality includes not just the contents of therapy, but even the fact an individual is in therapy. For example, it is common for therapists to not acknowledge clients outside of therapy to protect their client confidentiality.

If your workplace offers Confidential Counseling, how does an employee take advantage of the service?

If an employee would like to take advantage of the program, they could speak with an HR representative to gain information about the offered program. If they would like to keep things totally private, their healthcare benefit enrollment card should carry access information.  Next, call the number, or visit the website listed on the benefit card. With one easy phone call or request online, they should be able to set an appointment and begin the journey to feeling better. 

…………and what if it is mandated?

Most of the time, a referral to counseling by an employer or HR manager is an attempt to help the worker overcome a particular issue without endangering their job. It offers a prudent way to handle sensitive situations or staff members with problematic behaviors. Most often an HR representative will refer an employee to make use of Confidential Counseling in an attempt to overcome a particular issue without endangering their job. [CC1] The basic purpose is to promote the well-being of the individual in a confidential and professional manner.

Even though counseling is mainly aimed at work-related issues, it can also assist with problems outside of the workplace, and because it is more desirable economically and socially, it has grown in popularity over the years.

More and more organizations are realizing the benefits of offering Confidential Counseling, and, have noticed how this affects their bottom line in a positive manner. Workplace Confidential Counseling benefits are endless including, improved employee performance, decreased employee absenteeism; both reasons that lead to productivity gains.

How will counseling help?

All too often employees miss out on experiencing an improved quality of life because they are simply not aware of how to best utilize Confidential Counseling. While there is a wide variety of benefits, here are some examples as to how counseling can help employees live better lives in and out of the workplace.

1. Reduces Stress Level:  Sometimes all it takes to relieve stress is the ability to talk to someone about worries and frustrations. Confidential Counseling provides a certified professional available 24/7 with whom concerns can be shared privately, over the phone or even online. Sharing concerns with an experienced counselor can provide a new perspective on things and help process difficult situations in a healthy way.

2. Resolves Personal Issues:  Experiencing the death of a loved one, being a victim of abuse, or affected by a natural disaster, personal and professional lives can suffer. Going through these types of trials is difficult and painful, Confidential Counseling offers coping skills to relieve with grief and loss.

3. Increases Job Performance: Many people don’t realize just how much time they waste at work because they are distracted or fail to prioritize their responsibilities. Counseling enables the ability to be more focused on daily tasks. Struggling with personal issues, the inability to be organized or sticking to goals, all contribute to stress and decreased productivity.

Confidentiality Is Vital

It’s important that both employees and employers understand how vital confidentiality is to the foundation of communication with the counselor. Confidentially encourages the use of the service, and, because employees feel safe to disclose issues, boosts the effectiveness of the sessions.

It’s in the best interest of an organization and its workforce to make voluntary utilization as safe and confidential as possible.

When you enroll in healthcare coverage via Candor-USA, any coverage option you choose is bundled with Prosper Benefits, at no additional cost. This amazing suite of benefits helps you and your team keep healthcare coverage cost at a minimum while providing access to more healthcare benefits. Confidential Counseling, as well as Telemedicine, Health Advocate and Medical Bill Saver comprise this offering. Individually, each of these benefits offers the ability to save on your healthcare plans and goals, and together this package assists in reducing healthcare coverage plan claims and, when used, promises to reduce rate for the next year’s plan.

 [CC1]This is exactly the same as the first sentence.


from Candor USA Inc.

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